Posts by Collection



Balancing gene drive spread and fitness cost

Gene drives are any natural or artificial mechanism of spreading a genetic ‘cargo’ into a target population. Gene drives are introduced by the release of genetically modified (transgenic) organisms carrying the cargo gene. These genes almost always inflict a fitness cost on transgenic organisms, underlying a balance between the spread of the gene drive and the cost it imposes.

Modeling the opioid epidemic

A collaborative project with the goal of mathematically modeling the opioid epidemic at the state level and using the results to inform directions of control.



Population models on continuous-valued heterogeneous landscapes

For this project, with the help of Prof. David Hiebeler at the University of Maine, we studied the behavior of a theoretical population of organisms with landscape-dependent fecundity and mortality (exactly which one was varied for different experiments). The poster I prepared for this conference is shown below.

Comparison of screening for MRSA at hospital admission and discharge

I presented the research I did at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute at multiple venues, including at the institute itself, the 2018 annual SACNAS conference in San Antonio, TX, and at the 2018 NIMBIoS Undergraduate Research Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee.

A predator-prey model with parasitic infection of the predator

I presented some of my personal research of a predator-prey system with parasitic infection at e-BEER in 2020. The poster I made is attached below. Originally the project started out as a fun side project in NetLogo, with the goal of illustrating existence between a predator (represented by sheep), prey (the grass of a pasture), and a parasite ( H. contortus). Eventually it grew to encompass a class project, and I was so interested in the results that I shared them at e-BEER.

A Mathematical Model of the Opioid Epidemic in the State of Maine

I gave a talk virtually at TAGMaC 2020 about the research I did as an undergraduate mathematically modeling the opioid epidemic in Maine. Since then, the project has become more ambitious in studying a general model of the opioid epidemic (for any state) using Maine as a case study. This research was funded in large part by the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine.


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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